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Diet drinks with benzene - fare helpings with benzene

01-02-2017 à 19:22:37
Diet drinks with benzene
Artificial food color is suspected of causing increased hyperactivity in children. Eating Hot Peppers May Help You Live Longer. Benzene in soft drinks has to be seen in the context of other environmental exposure. 2 after some studies found that large doses could cause cancer in rats. It can take years, or even decades, to find out the truth, and sometimes the case is never really closed. Also, the dye Yellow No. ). To find the most current information, please enter your topic of interest into our search box. Study Casts Doubt on Common Morning Sickness Drug. Benzene levels are regulated in drinking water nationally and internationally, and in bottled water in the United States, but only informally in soft drinks. Artificial food colors are chemical dyes used to color food and drinks. S. State limits within the United States: California, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Florida: 1 ppb. S. These test results are both lower and more accurate than a previous long-term study by the FDA. 5 has been thought to worsen asthma symptoms. Health Care: What You Need to Know. Asprin: The Wonder Drug in Your Medicine Cabinet. This article is from the WebMD Feature Archive. If, like many Americans, you stock your pantry with processed foods, you may worry about how safe food additives really are. Storing soft drinks in warm conditions speeds up the formation of benzene. But in most controlled studies, Yellow No. WebMD archives content after 2 years to ensure our readers can easily find the most timely content.

Scientists have been studying the link between food additives and hyperactivity in children for more than 30 years, with mixed results. In 2007, a British study published in The Lancet concluded that consuming artificial coloring and preservatives in food can increase hyperactivity in kids. Benzene in soft drinks is of potential concern due to the carcinogenic nature of the benzene molecule. The benzene forms from decarboxylation of the preservative benzoic acid in the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and metal ions (iron and copper) that act as catalysts, especially under heat and light. 5 has not been shown to have a significant impact on asthma, according to a review of all known studies, which is updated every year. Future of U. The FDA stated that it is working with manufacturers to reformulate products that contain benzene above the federal drinking water standard. World Health Organization (WHO): 10 ppb (WHO notes that benzene should be avoided whenever technically feasible. Other factors that affect the formation of benzene are heat and light. This contamination is a public health concern and has caused significant outcry among environmental and health advocates. Future of U. Following testing, FDA asked manufacturers to voluntarily reformulate. Smoking: For smokers, cigarette smoking is the main source of exposure to benzene. The major cause of benzene in soft drinks is the decarboxylation of benzoic acid in the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C, E300) or erythorbic acid (a diastereomer of ascorbic acid, E315). Many types of processed foods, beverages, and condiments have artificial coloring in them. ). But the results of the 2007 study compelled the European Food Standards Agency to urge companies to voluntarily remove artificial coloring from food products. In the early 1990s, the soft drink industry initially approached FDA with concerns about benzene formation in soft drinks. Many of the products showed large variations in the amount of benzene they contained. Various authorities have set limits on benzene content in drinking water. (In the 1970s, the FDA famously banned Red Dye No. Two of these drinks contained amounts 15-18 times above the drinking water standard. Over the years, the safety of many food additives, from food dyes to trans fats, has come into question. Health Care: What You Need to Know.

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